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Rigotti, A., Dansereau, V. and Weiss, J. (2025) Investigating the relation between elastic and relaxation properties of dry, frictional granular media during shear deformation. Arxiv preprint 2502.17021v1.  

Brodeau, L., Rampal, P., Òlason, E., and Dansereau, V. (2024) Implementation of a brittle sea-ice rheology in an Eulerian, finite-difference, C-grid modeling framework: Impact on the simulated deformation of sea-ice in the Arctic, Geosci. Model Dev., 17, 6051–6082,

Brenner, S., Horvat, C., Hall, P, Labbé, S. and Dansereau, V. (2023) Scale-dependent air-sea exchange in the polar oceans: floe-floe and floe-flow coupling in the generation of ice-ocean boundary layer turbulence. Geophysical Research Letters, 50, e2023GL105703,​

Chen, Y., Smith, P., Carrassi, A., Pasmans, I., Bertino, L., Bocquet, M., Finn, T. S., Rampal, P. and Dansereau, V. (2024) Multivariate state and parameter estimation with data assimilation on sea-ice models using a Maxwell-Elasto-Brittle rheology, The Cryosphere, 18, 2381-2406,

Chauve, T., Montagnat, M., Dansereau, V., Saramito, P., Fourteau, K., Tomassi, A. (2024) A physically-based formulation for texture evolution during dynamic recrystallization. A case study for ice. Comptes Rendus. Mécanique, Volume 352, pp. 99-134, doi: 10.5802/crmeca.243.

Dansereau, V., Shapiro, N., Campillo, M. and Weiss, J. Modeling Multi-Scale Deformation Cycles in Subduction Zones with a Continuum Visco-Elastic-Brittle Framework, submitted to the Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth, 2023. ESS Open Archive DOI: 10.22541/essoar.167898488.83175823/v1. 

Richter, T., Dansereau, V., Lessig, C., and Minakowski, P.  (2023) A dynamical core based on a discontinuous Galerkin method for higher-order finite-element sea ice modeling, Geosci. Model Dev., 16, 3907–3926,

Finn, T. S., Durand, C., Farchi, A., Bocquet, M., Chen, Y., Carrassi, A., and Dansereau, V. (2023) Deep learning subgrid-scale parametrisations for short-term forecasting of sea-ice dynamics with a Maxwell elasto-brittle rheology, The Cryosphere, 17, 2965–2991,

Olason, E., Boutin, G., Korosov, A., Rampal, P., Williams, T., Kimmritz, M., Dansereau, V., Samaké, A. (2022) A new brittle rheology and numerical framework for large-scale sea-ice models, Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 14, e2021MS002685. https://doi. org/10.1029/2021MS002685.

Olason, E., Rampal, P., Dansereau, V. (2021) On the statistical properties of sea ice lead fraction and heat fluxes in the Arctic. The Cryosphere, 15, 1053–1064,

Dansereau V., Weiss J., Saramito P. (2021) A Continuum Viscous-Elastic-Brittle, Finite Element DG Model for the Fracture and Drift of Sea Ice. In: Barla M., Di Donna A., Sterpi D. (eds) Challenges and Innovations in Geomechanics. IACMAG 2021. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, vol 125. Springer, Cham.

Saramito, P., Dansereau, V., Weiss, J. (2021) Linking bulk modulus to a unilateral damage yield criterion: a thermodynamic modeling approach. International Journal of Damage Mechanics, doi:10.1177/1056789521991201.

Rampal, P., Dansereau, V., Olason, E., Bouillon, S., Williams, T., Samaké, (2019) A. On the multi-fractal scaling properties of sea ice deformation. The Cryosphere, 13, 2457–2474,

Dansereau, V., Démery, V., Berthier, E., Weiss, J., Ponson, L. (2019) Collective damage growth controls fault orientation in quasi-brittle compressive failure. Physical Review Letters, 122, 085501.

Démery, V., Dansereau, V., Berthier, E., Ponson, L., Weiss, J. (2018) Elastic interactions in damage models of brittle failure. arXiv preprint. arXiv: 1712.08537.  

Dansereau, V., Weiss, J., Got, J.L. and Saramito, P. (2017) A Maxwell elasto-brittle rheology for the small and large deformations of geomaterials, Proc. ISRM Progressive Rock Failure Conference, 146-149.

Dansereau, V., Weiss, J., Saramito, P., Lattes, P., Coche, E. (2017) Ice bridges and ridges in the Maxwell-EB sea ice rheology, The Cryosphere, 11, p. 2033-2058.

Weiss, J., Dansereau, V. (2017) Linking scales in sea ice mechanics. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A, 375: 20150352.


Dansereau, V., Weiss, J., Saramito, P., Lattes, P. (2016) A Maxwell-elasto-brittle rheology for sea ice modelling. The Cryosphere, 10, 1339-1359, doi:10.5194/tc-10-1339-2016.


Dansereau, V., Weiss, J., P. Saramito, P., Lattes, P., Coche, E. (2015) A Maxwell-Elasto-Brittle rheology for sea ice modeling, Mercator Océan Newsletter, 51.


Dansereau, V., Heimbach, P., Losch, M. (2014) Simulation of sub-ice shelf melt rates in a general circulation model: Velocity-dependent transfer and the role of friction. Journal of Geophysical Research Oceans, 119, 1765–1790, doi:10.1002/2013JC008846.


S. Massoumi*, V. Dansereau, J. Weiss, N. Shapiro. Studying the along-fault variability of slow earthquakes characteristics by modeling a combined viscoelastic and damage rheology. EGU General Assembly. Vienna, Austria. 23rd-28th April 2023. 


E. Olason*, G. Boutin, A. Korosov, P. Rampal, T. Williams, M. Kimmritz, V. Dansereau, A. Samaké. A new brittle rheology and numerical framework for large-scale sea-ice models. EGU General Assembly. Vienna, Austria. 23rd-28th April 2023.


E. Olason*, G. Boutin, A. Korosov, P. Rampal, T. Williams, M. Kimmritz, V. Dansereau, A. Samaké. A new brittle rheology and numerical framework for large-scale sea-ice models. 11th International Workshop on Sea Ice Modelling, Assimilation, Observations, Predictions and Verification. Oslo, Norway. March 21st-23rd 2023.

T. Finn*, C. Durand, A. Farchi, M. Bocquet, Y. Chen, A. Carrassi, V. Dansereau. Deep learning of subgrid-scale parametrisations for sea-ice models. 11th International Workshop on Sea Ice Modelling, Assimilation, Observations, Predictions and Verification. Oslo, Norway. March 21st-23rd 2023. (poster)


Y. Chen, P. Smith, A. Carrassi, I. Pasmans, L. Bertino, M. Bocquet, T. Finn, V. Dansereau, P. Rampal. Observation impact on the multi-variate state and parameter estimation of Maxwell-Elasto-Brittle rheology model. 11th International Workshop on Sea Ice Modelling, Assimilation, Observations, Predictions and Verification. Oslo, Norway. March 21st-23rd 2023. (poster)


A. Rigotti*, V. Dansereau, J. Weiss. Investigating the rheology of the Marginal Ice Zone through DEM simulations of a frictional 2D granular material. Winter School TEC21, Grenoble, January 30th-February 3rd 2023. (poster)


A. Rigotti*, V. Dansereau, J. Weiss. Investigating the rheology of the Marginal Ice Zone through DEM simulations of a frictional 2D granular material. GDR IDE Workshop: Interaction, Disorder, Elasticity, Les Houches, France. April 3rd-7th 2023. (poster)

J.-P. Auclair*, A. Tlili, V. Dansereau. Modeling sea ice breakup due to wave-ice interactions (online). AMSI-AustMS Workshop on Mathematics of Sea Ice and Ice Sheets, Adelaide, Australia, 9th-11th November 2022.

S. Labbé and collaborators. Modelling and simulation of sea ice dynamics, part 1/2. École 2022 du GDR MathGeoPhy, Paris, France.October 26th-28th 2022.

J. Weiss and collaborators. Modelling and simulation of sea ice dynamics, part 2/2. École 2022 du GDR MathGeoPhy, Paris, France.October 26th-28th 2022.

T. Finn*, C. Durand, A. Farchi, M. Bocquet, Y. Chen, A. Carrassi, V. Dansereau. Learning and screening of neural networks architectures for sub-grid-scale parametrizations of sea-ice dynamics from idealized twin experiments. Workshop: Machine Learning for Polar Regions at Columbia University (online). June 17, 2022.

T. Finn*, C. Durand, A. Farchi, M. Bocquet, Y. Chen, A. Carrassi, V. Dansereau. Learning and screening of neural networks architectures for sub-grid-scale parametrizations of sea-ice dynamics from idealized twin experiments. EGU General Assembly. Vienna, Austria. May 23-27, 2022.

T. Finn*, C. Durand, A. Farchi, M. Bocquet, Y. Chen, A. Carrassi, V. Dansereau. Learning and screening of neural networks architectures for sub-grid-scale parametrizations of sea-ice dynamics from idealized twin experiments. Data assimilation and machine learning for the Earth system - Living planet symposium. Bonn, Germany. May 23-27, 2022.


Dansereau, V.* and collaborators. (2022) Modeling the brittle to granular transition within sea ice. Mathematics of sea ice in the twenty-first century, Cambridge, UK. 

Dansereau, V.* and collaborators. (2022) Modeling rheological transitions within the solid Earth. EarthFlows Meeting, Oslo, Norway.

Y. Chen, P. Smith, A. Carrassi, I. Pasmans, L. Bertino, M. Bocquet, T. Finn, V. Dansereau. Application of data assimilation in novel sea ice models for state and parameter estimation, UK National Earth Observation Conference 2022, Leicester, UK. 6th-8th September 2022. (poster)

A. Rigotti*, V. Dansereau, J. Weiss. Investigating the rheology of the Marginal Ice Zone through DEM simulations of a frictional 2D granular material. SIP Follow on: Mathematics of sea ice in the twenty-first century, Cambridge, UK. September 19th-30th 2022. (poster)

J. P. Auclair*, A. Tlili, V. Dansereau. Modeling sea ice breakup due to wave-ice interactions. SIP Follow on: Mathematics of sea ice in the twenty-first century. Cambridge, UK, September 19th-30th 2022. (poster)

S. Théry*, S. Labbé, J.-P. Auclair, V. Dansereau. Ice floe fracture in a granular model. SIP Follow on: Mathematics of sea ice in the twenty-first century. Cambridge, UK, September 19th-30th 2022. (poster)

T. Finn*, C. Durand, A. Farchi, M. Bocquet, Y. Chen, A. Carrassi, V. Dansereau. Deep learning of subgrid-scale parametrisations for sea-ice dynamics in a Maxwell-Elasto-Brittle rheology. SIP Follow on: Mathematics of sea ice in the twenty-first century. Cambridge, UK, September 19th-30th 2022. (poster)

T. Finn*, C. Durand, A. Farchi, M. Bocquet, Y. Chen, A. Carrassi, V. Dansereau. Deep learning of subgrid-scale parametrisations for sea-ice dynamics in a Maxwell-Elasto-Brittle rheology. ECMWF–ESA Workshop on Machine Learning for Earth Observation and Prediction, Reading, UK. November 14-17 2022. (poster)

S. Théry*, J.-P. Auclair, S. Labbé, V. Dansereau. Ice floe fracture in a granular model. Congrès d’Analyse Numérique, Évian-les Bains, France, July 13th-17th 2022. (poster)

T. Phan*, S. Labbé. V. Dansereau, Fracturation de floes glace par percussion dans un modèle granulaire, Congrès d’Analyse Numérique, Évian-les Bains, France, July 13th-17th 2022. (poster)

Dansereau, V.*, Shapiro, N., Campillo, M., Weiss, J. (2021) A Volumetric, Visco-Elastic Damage Model to Explain Transient Slow Deformation within Active Faults. AGU Fall meeting, New Orleans, USA (poster).

Dansereau, V.*, Shapiro, N., Campillo, M., Weiss, J. (2021) A Burgers-Brittle model for the seismic-aseismic, brittle-ductile transition within the Earth crust. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria.

Dansereau, V.*, Saramito, P. Weiss, J. (2021) A continuum viscous-elastic-brittle, Finite Element DG model for the fracture and drift of sea ice. Warm up event of the 16th International Conference of the International Association for Computer Methods and Advances in Geomecanics, online.

S. Labbé, J. Weiss, V. Dansereau, M. Rabatel, D. Balasoiu. Sea Ice dynamic, a granular approach: modelling, simulation and scaling. Modelling the granular nature of sea ice workshop (online), June 7th-10th 2021.


Dansereau, V.*, Weiss, J., Saramito, P. (2020) A viscous-elastic-brittle framework for modelling the deformation of geomaterials across scales. SEISMAZE Workshop, Grenoble, France. 

Dansereau, V.*, Weiss, J., Saramito, P. (2019) A Maxwell-Elasto-Brittle model with Discontinuous Galerkin methods for the dynamics of sea ice. Arctic Dynamics Workshop, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA.

Dansereau, V.*, Pardoen, B. Bésuelle, P., Dal Pont, S, Desrues, J. (2019) Double-scale FEM modelling applied to clay rocks. XV International Conference on Computational Plasticity (COMPLAS), Barcelona, Spain.

Dansereau, V.*, Rampal, P., Olason, E., Bouillon, S., William, T., Samake, A., Weiss, J., Saramito, P. (2018) A new rheological framework for modelling the deformation of sea ice across scales. Forum for Arctic Modeling and Observational Synthesis, Bergen, Norway.

Dansereau, V., Got, J.-L.*, Weiss, J., (2017) Spatio-temporal modelling of the pre-eruptive strain localization in a volcanic edifice using a Maxwell-Elasto-Brittle rheology. American Geophysical Union meeting, New Orleans, USA (poster).

Dansereau, V.*, Weiss, J., Saramito, P., Rampal, P., Bouillon, S., Lattes, P., Riska, K. (2017) A new rheological model for the deformation of sea ice across scales. Ice fracture and cracks workshop - Mathematics of sea ice phenomena program of the Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge, UK.

Dansereau, V.*, Aström, J., Rampal, P., Bouillon, S., Weiss, J., Saramito, P., Lattes, P., Riska, K. (2017) A new continuum rheological model for sea ice modelling, MATHIAS, Paris, France.

Dansereau, V.*, Weiss, J., Saramito, P., Lattes, P. (2017) A new continuum model for the drift and deformation of sea ice. Multi-scale modelling of ice characteristics and behavior workshop - Mathematics of sea ice phenomena program of the Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge, UK.

Raulier, J.*, Dansereau, V., Fichefet, T., Legat, V., Weiss, J. (2017) Comparative study of sea ice dynamics simulations with a Maxwell elasto-brittle rheology and the elastic-viscous-plastic rheology in NEMO-LIM3. Multi-scale modelling of ice characteristics and behavior workshop - Mathematics of sea ice phenomena program of the Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge, UK (poster).


Dansereau, V., Saramito, P.*, Weiss, J. (2017) A Maxwell-Elasto-Brittle model for sea ice flow. Viscoplastic fluids workshop : from theory to applications. Rotura, New Zealand.

Démery, V.*, Dansereau, V., Berthier, E., Weiss, J., Ponson, L. (2017) Linear (in)stability analysis prediction of the fault angle in damage models. Fifth international conference on computational modeling of fracture and failure of materials and structures, Nantes, France.

Dansereau, V.*, Weiss, J., Got, J.-L., Saramito, P. (2017) A Maxwell-Elasto-Brittle rheology for the small and large deformations of geomaterials. Progressive rock failure conference, Monte Verità, Switzerland.

Raulier, J.*, Dansereau, V., Fichefet, T., Legat, V., Weiss, J. (2017) Comparative study of sea ice dynamics simulations with a Maxwell elasto-brittle rheology and the elastic-viscous-plastic rheology in NEMO-LIM3. European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria (poster).

Dansereau, V.*, Weiss, J., Saramito, P. (2016) Ice bridges and ridges in the Maxwell-EB sea ice rheology. Forum for Arctic Modeling and Observational Synthesis, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, USA (poster).


Dansereau, V.*, Weiss, J., Saramito, P. and Lattes, P. (2016) A Maxwell-elastic-brittle rheology for sea ice modeling. IRDR Total Ice Seminar, University College London, London, UK.

Dansereau, V.*, Weiss, J., Saramito, P. and Lattes, P. (2016) A Maxwell-elastic-brittle model for the drift and deformation of sea ice. The flow of amorphous solids: from atomistic simulations to Earth Science applications - CECAM, Lyon, France (poster).


Dansereau, V., Weiss, J. *, Saramito, P. and Lattes, P. (2016) A Maxwell-elastic-brittle model for the drift and deformation of sea ice. GCM 2016: 31st IUGG Conference on Mathematical Geophysics, Paris, France (poster).

Dansereau, V.*, Weiss, J., Saramito, P. and Lattes, P. (2016) A Maxwell-elastic-brittle rheology for sea ice modeling. 12e journées scientifiques de la Recherche en milieux polaires du Comité National Français des Recherches Arctiques et Antarctiques, Lyon, France.

Dansereau, V.*, Weiss, J., Saramito, P. and Lattes, P. (2015) A new and accurate continuum model for sea ice. MATHIAS, Paris La Défense, France.

Dansereau, V.*, Weiss, J., Saramito, P. and Lattes, P. (2015) A Maxwell-elasto brittle rheology for sea ice modeling. Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences Conference on the Mathematics of Sea Ice, Vancouver, Canada.

J. Raulier*, T. Fichefet, V. Legat, V. Dansereau, J. Weiss. Comparative study of sea ice dynamics simulations with a Maxwell elasto-brittle rheology and the elastic-viscous-plastic rheology in NEMO-LIM3, 26th IUGG Assembly, Prague, Czech Republic. 2015.

J. Raulier*, T. Fichefet, V. Legat, J. Weiss, V. Dansereau. Impact of the integration of a Maxwell-elastic-brittle rheology in NEMO-LIM3, EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria. 2015. (poster)

J. Raulier*, T. Fichefet, V. Legat, J. Weiss, V. Dansereau. Comparative study of sea ice dynamics simulations with a Maxwell elasto-brittle rheology and the elastic-viscous-plastic rheology in NEMO-LIM3 Workshop on CMIP5 Model Analysis and Scientific Plans for CMIP6, Dubrovnik, Croatia. 2015. (poster)


Dansereau, V.*, Weiss, J. and Saramito, P. (2014) Towards an accurate continuum dynamical model for sea ice. MATHIAS, Paris La Défense, France.

Dansereau, V.*, Weiss, J. and Saramito, P. (2014) A Maxwell-elastic-brittle rheology for sea ice modeling. International Workshop on sea ice modeling and data assimilation/ICE-ARC, Toulouse, France.

Dansereau, V.*, Weiss, J. and Saramito, P. (2014) A Maxwell-elastic-brittle rheology for sea ice modeling. Workshop on Sea ice mechanical modeling : from physics to applied mathematics, Grenoble, France.

Dansereau, V.*, Heimbach, P. and Losch, M. (2014) Simulation of sub-ice shelf melt rates in a general circulation model: Velocity-dependent transfer and the role of friction. International Symposium on Contribution of Glaciers and Ice Sheets to Sea Level Change: International Glaciological Society, Chamonix, France.

Dansereau, V.*, Weiss, J. and Saramito, P. (2014) A Maxwell-elastic-brittle rheology for sea ice modeling. International Symposium on Sea Ice in a Changing Environment: International Glaciological Society, Hobart, Tasmania (AU).

Dansereau, V*, Chair/Introduction talk of the Cryosphere session (2011), Graduate Climate Conference, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, USA

Dansereau, V.*, Tremblay, B. (2010) Are sea ice model mechanical parameters independent of convergence and resolution? Arctic Ocean Model Intercomparison Project meeting, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, USA

Dansereau, V.*, Tremblay, B. (2010) Are sea ice model mechanical parameters independent of convergence? International Polar Year Conference, Oslo, Norway

Dansereau, V., Tremblay, B.* (2010) Calibration of a viscous-plastic model of the Arctic sea ice with respect to the air and water drag coefficients - Preliminary Results, American Geophysical Union meeting, San Francisco, USA (poster)

Dansereau, V.*, Tremblay, B. (2009) Calibration of a viscous-plastic model of the Arctic sea ice with respect to the air and water drag coefficients, Arctic Ocean Model Intercomparison Project meeting, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, USA


*presenting author

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